Alexander Daniel Hamilton VI | Atlanta Circuit, Post 36
Candidate Statement
A penniless man runs into a lone lawyer’s office in rural Georgia and begins to rattle off a plethora of legal issues he’s facing. Shortly thereafter, the police arrive to arrest the man. Despite blaring sirens and blazing lights, the man seems oblivious to the outside commotion and stares intently at the lone country lawyer. The lawyer finally breaks his silence and says, “Sir, are you not aware of the trouble outside?” The man replied, “Dear Sir, I am not concerned with that which can harm me. I am only concerned with that which can save me.”
Herein lies the challenge before us. We must be that saving force for many Georgians despite their lack of access to legal care. Seventy percent of all Georgia lawyers practice within the metro-Atlanta area, leaving many Georgians without adequate access to legal representation. At least seven Georgia counties have no lawyers and almost 60 counties have 10 or fewer lawyers. Eradicating these so-called “legal deserts” in the Peach State will require stronger partnerships between the State Bar of Georgia, Georgia law schools, Georgia law firms, the Georgia Legislature and Georgia-based civic organizations. Put simply, our community must geographically incentivize our budding lawyers to make justice accessible for all Georgians.
Georgia is bigger than Atlanta. We must not wait for them to come to us. Instead, we must go to them. We must build a legal community where no Georgian is denied access to justice because of where they live, what they earn or who they are. With your support, I will work tirelessly to bridge the gap, strengthen our profession and make justice accessible for all. Let’s make justice work for every Georgian everywhere. Justice requires no less.
- B.S., Mathematics, Morris Brown College 1998
- M.Ed., Mathematics Education, Georgia State University 1999
- Ph.D., Educational Organization and Leadership, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2002
- J.D./M.B.A., Law, Business, Howard University 2005
- M.Div., Divinity, Theology, Yale University 2014
- Born: Aug. 19, 1972 (52 years old)
- Native of Atlanta, Georgia
- Spouse: Married to Ms. Keyna Hamilton, triple alumnus of Clark Atlanta University (B.S., M.S. and M.A.)
- Hobbies: Ballroom dancing, truck mechanic, off-roading, basketball, fishing, mountain climbing, gardening, binge watching Marvel superhero movies and huge women’s basketball fan (favorite players—UGA Lady Bulldog/WNBA Minnesota Lynx guard Theresa Edwards and Minnesota Lynx guard Maya Moore).
- Interesting personal: Coffee aficionado (coffee snob), banana bread extraordinaire, favorite dishes—red velvet fried chicken, tangerine chicken cobbler and chocolate bourbon pecan pie with whipped cream.
Professional Background, Bar Activities, Civic Activities
- Senior attorney, City of Atlanta Department of Law
- Private practice for almost 20 years
- University Service: assistant to the vice chancellor, associate dean, professor
- K-12 Service: Certified mathematics teacher, Georgia Professional Standards Association
- Religious service: Associate pastor (Baptist, Methodist), visiting minister in residence (Congregationalist)
- Professional organizations: Gate City Bar Association, American Bar Association, Atlanta Bar Association, Education Law Association, Georgia Professional Standards Commission, National Education Association.
- Awards: William Sloan Coffin Scholar—Yale University, Charles Hamilton Houston Scholar—Howard University/Washington Bar Association, Kappa Delta Pi Educational Honor Society, Pi Lamda Theta International Society in Education and NAACP/Congressional Black Caucus Brown v. Board of Education National Essay Winner, Interested Party for Amicus Brief filed in Grutter v. Bollinger, 539 U.S. 306 (2003), University of Illinois “List of Teachers Ranked Excellent by Their Students.”
- Civic activities: City of Atlanta Department of Law Wills and Estates Clinic (2025), City of Atlanta Department of Law Provisional Ballot Clerk (2024), Voter Protection Attorney, Counsel for Change (2008).
Main Issues Facing the State Bar/Position
- Eliminating legal deserts in rural Georgian communities and bridging the geographic, economic and systemic access-to-justice gap for all Georgians.
- Fostering greater relationships and partnerships between the State Bar and Georgia law schools to cultivate a healthier legal profession throughout Georgia.